Innovative Optics for the Digital Age
In the digital era, big data and unprecedent computing power are available, which motivate ones to adventure new optics and rejuvenate traditional optics to gain higher resolution and extended range to digitalize and digitize the real world. C-Infinitus Research is a start-up specialized in developing and providing digital optics technologies and products.
Comprehensive digital models do help unleash the untapped potential of optics to obtain new and better functions. Design of optics is still arts. In the presence of big data and large volume of computing, human should be always staying in "Realm of freedom" to spark innovation ideas. Our solutions and products are developed along this line.
Let computers handle complexity while humans do arts
Digital era brings people closer together
Collaboration is another key for innovations. We welcome collaboration at all technology readiness levels (TRL) in the areas of optics theory, optics design, optics manufacturing, and optical system development, to build an ecosystem of the field. Our IP sharing platform is designed to foster collaboration.